David Park, Attorney at Law

California Workers’ Compensation Claims

Vocational Rehabilitation

At the end of your course of medical treatment, your treating doctor will render an opinion on your ability to return to work.

If your treating doctor declares that you have certain restrictions within which you are able to return to work, your employer must offer you a position within these restrictions.

If your injury occurred before January 1, 2004 and your employer is unable to meet the above obligations, or your treating doctor declares that you are unable to return to your pre-injury occupation under any conditions, then you are entitled to receive Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) benefits which may include training for a new line of work and a weekly benefit amount during the training period

If you are entitled to Vocational Rehabilitation benefits, then the claims adjuster must send you:

– A letter stating that you may be eligible for vocational rehabilitation benefits

– A letter stating whether your employer is offering your job. Often this is the same letter as above. If you are being offered a job, the claims administrator must also send you an “offer of modified or alternative work” on form RU-94

– A state pamphlet with information about returning to work

– A copy of the doctor’s report described above, with instructions on what to do if you disagree with the report.

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